Me & My Boy

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lazy Sunday and nurse phone tag.

Hello! What a week! My normal, slow-paced, boring life sped up to 100 mph, and I'm finally catching myself back up. I fell behind in my online college coursework when Katie was here, so I've been scrambling to finish it before midnight tonight. I just got done. Yay!
Jamie is under the weather a bit. I played phone tag with the doctor's office on Thursday, and finally had the nurse say that she would call in an antibiotic to the drug store. I called the drug store and they never recieved a call from the nurse. Hmmm. I called the nurse back and left a message. She never called me back or called in the prescription. Doctor's office and pharmancy closed at 5 pm. Friday morning I call the doctor's office again and left 4 messages with 2 different nurses. NO ONE calls me back. I repeatedly call the pharmacy to see if they had gotten a call yet. They hadn't. At 4 pm, I had a revelation, and on a hunch, I called the OTHER pharmacy in town, the one I DON'T use. They've had the prescription since Thursday morning, wondering who Jamie was, because he wasn't in their system and had no phone number to call me. So I go to that pharmacy and wait 30 minutes for them to enter in his insurance information and fill the prescription. And so finally, Friday night, Jamie got started on some antibiotics, and he is feeling much better.:)
Also, Jamie has a cavity. It is uncomfortable for him. But I have called EVERY dentist in a 20 mile radius and NO ONE will take his insurance. Sigh. So I will have to start calling dentist's in Big Town and see if they'll take him. I hope they will. He wakes up every morning and asks me if he gets to go to the dentist today. Can you tell that he's never been before? LOL:)
My mom had the game Scrabble Jr., and me and Jamie played it today. He caught on pretty well, and I think it really does help his vocabulary. And we tied our scores so he was happy (have I mentioned he's a sore loser?).
So off I go to relax and enjoy my stay at home Sunday afternoon...

Oh, and the picture is of him eating a Warhead. I TOLD him they were very sour and that he probably wouldn't like it, but he wanted to try it anyway...
posted by ~*~Hallie~*~ at 11:07 AM


LOL! That's so funny-- so typical, I should say-- that he wanted to try a warhead anyway. Maybe next time he'll remember that mom is always right! We always knew that about our parents, right? :) That's so frustrating about the insurance and pharmacy and doctor's office. :(

November 7, 2007 at 1:43 PM  

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